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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Comment Moderation Update Bodybuilding tips

Just a quick reminder about comment moderation - the reasons a comment may be rejected include:

  • Trying to sell something to others via the comments
  • Personal attacks on another commentor
  • Comment has absolutely no relevance to the subject matter of the post nor any other comment on the thread of comments for the post
  • Attempting to re-direct traffic to a site selling products/services contrary to this blogs message
  • Profane and/or vulgar comments

All are absolutely free to disagree, challenge anything I've written and/or comment about their experience (with a product or service)....but the above guidelines are a reminder that I do moderate comments, and while I'm reluctant to reject a comment, occasionally I find myself having to. If a comment of yours is rejected (doesn't appear) and you have a question about why, you can always email me and ask why.

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