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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How Does It Happen?

Imagine for a moment, you're a parent - of an adorable 3-year old girl. Since birth she's thrived and is quite the little social butterfly now that she's getting older. She eats well, plays hard and is just a delight. Your last visit to the pediatrician, when she was 3-years 8-months old, went great - with all the alarms about childhood obesity, you were pleased the doctor was so proactive to weigh and measure her, even more happy when he declared she was a healthy weight and doing great!

Fast forward a couple of months, today your little girl has what seems to be a cold that's progressing, so you make an appointment and the doctor's office squeezes you in.

When you arrive, the nurse takes you into the exam room, weighs and measures your daughter (just like last time) and takes her temperature. She asks you to wait a few minutes, the doctor will be in soon.

A short time passes and the doctor comes in, examines your daughter and doesn't think it's something that needs antibiotics and explains how to monitor her fever and keep her hydrated. He then says, we need to talk about her weight, her BMI places her in the 85th percentile, which puts her at risk for overweight.

You're stunned!

How could this have happened in just two months?

How is it possible you've not seen this coming?

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