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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Your Leg or the Bread? Bodybuilding tips

While Dr. Annika Dahlqvist is challenging the conventional wisdom of diet and health in Sweden, so too is Dr. Katharine Morrison in the UK; a GP who "is one of a vocal minority who contend that the orthodox advice given to type one and type two diabetes patients is not only unhelpful but might be counterproductive."

In today's Herald, Are Diabetics Suffering for No Reason, provides readers with a look at the benefit experienced by those with diabetes who modify their diet to restrict carbohydrates.

John Gibson's leg had been ulcerated, swollen and inflamed for weeks. "It looked like a damson from my toes to my knee," the 61-year-old recalls. His specialist suggested it would have to be amputated. "He whipped out a camera and photographed it. I said, Is this going to be the last time you see it?' and he said, It might be.'"

But when he next visited, Gibson explains as he sits at home in Mauchline, Ayrshire, the specialist was astonished to see that the leg had healed. "He asked me, Where's the ulcer?'" The former army nurse explained that his diabetes was now being managed on a special low-carbohydrate diet, recommended by his GP. "The specialist told me, Oh, we don't believe in that.'"

Truly amazing, isn't it?

A man's leg, saved from amputation....but that's no reason to even consider a carbohydrate restricted diet if you have diabetes.

No siree, no can do, let's not forget, "Diabetes UK continues to recommend that diabetic people follow the same balanced diet recommended for the rest of the population. Low in fat, sugar and salt, with plenty of fruit and vegetables, meals can contain some starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, cereals, pasta and rice."

And who really wants to give up eating bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and cereal anyway?

"Hope Warshaw says many study subjects are unable to stick with Bernstein-style diets. "Diabetes lasts the rest of your life. You need to find an eating plan that you can follow for that long as well."'

I don't know about you, but if I had to choose between my leg or the bread.....mmmm, thinking......thinking......

How about you?

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