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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More than 50% of Americans Have a Chronic Health Condition! Bodybuilding tips

A sobering finding from a recent Gallop Poll - 51% of Americans suffer with chronic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. That's more than half of us!

As noted in the Reuters article, Many Americans Stuggling in Life, Survey Finds, "Healthways President Ben Leedle said 51 percent of Americans are stuck in a cycle of chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes, in part because of their poor choices. 'Many are stressed, worried and overweight, all factors which lead to illness and, ultimately, lifelong health conditions,' Leedle added."

An alarming 66% of working Americans reported one or more chronic disease or recurring condition, and greater than 20% reported calling in sick at least one day and on average six days in the past month!

What the heck is going on?

We spend more on healthcare than any other nation in the world, have the highest percentage of a population vaccinated, and are unusually obsessed with our health, diets and a variety of health risk markers! Yet more than half the population suffers a chronic disease?

What do you think is happening? Leave your comments!

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