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Thursday, March 27, 2008

100 reps of Calves and Forearms Exercise

Always when talking about calves, many will ignore to do this exercise. We might think it is not an important muscle to develop, but for me forearms and calves are the most important weapon in our body.


We need support or strength to hold and stand any weight that we are going to hit in the gym. The only support muscles that are so close to your standing or holding grips are your forearms and calves.

How to train?

We don’t train calves and forearms muscles like other body parts where we increase the weight for next set and 3-12reps. This kind of exercises does not apply to your calves and forearms. Calves and forearms need more reps type of exercise. Each muscle needs at least 100 reps of exercise at moderate weight. Don’t have to be heavy weight or too light weight to do this exercise. The most important thing is, 100reps.

You can take up to 5 or 6 sets to complete 100 reps but make sure you don’t take rest more than 30 seconds of each set. For each set, please do until failure. It means, you do each set of any reps you can do until the max reps. For me, I can do 20 – 25 reps for each sets.

Try to work your forearms and calves like above type of exercise, doesn’t matter what type of exercise you choose for these two muscles. I’m sure you are not going to feel your hands or calves anymore.

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