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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Shoulder Day

I took rest one day from my first training day.

It was very tiring and I can feel the pain on my abs till now. My legs feel tired too. I don’t want to do anything to my lower body today as it will make it worst. So, I plan to work out my upper body today.

I want to cover 3 body parts today. I only do 2 sets per exercise and high reps. I will be able to finish all my exercise today in just 40 minutes.

Targeted Body part: Shoulder & Back.

Today I’m going to do first muscle set of exercise. It is shoulder day. Why I choose these three muscle parts together? It is simple, if you do your shoulder exercise; indirectly you train your traps. Back exercise split into 3, upper back, middle back and lower back. I choose a day that is free and I can concentrate to work out all those three part separately on the same day.

I will share with you my programs on these body parts next week.

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