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Thursday, March 27, 2008

First Day Exercise after Injury

First Day Exercise after Injury

I know it is tough to go exercise after injury. Probably, it is not really cured well yet. But, if you visit hospital, there are so many patients tried so hard to do physiotherapy exercise. I know, this is for accident or other serious type of cases. But, can you the point? They are injured and trying to get well by doing some physiotherapy.

So, during my first 2 weeks of exercise, I won’t be lifting 100lbs of dumbbells or 200 pounds of bars… but, just 10% of whatever max I did before. That is 10lbs dumbbell and 20lbs bars (no plate at all)..

Plus, I’m going to do a routine of 20 minutes cardio workout (cycling, rowing, treadmill, etch) before and after exercise sessions each day. This is because; I need to increase my metabolism rate. I have rested too much (3 weeks), by not damaging any muscles, just sit on the sofa watching tons of DVDs (of course pirated – I’m not that rich)… I need to wake these muscles up from their deep sleep but, cannot give too much pressure as I’m still recovering. So, a combination of 40 minutes cardio plus 40 minutes of muscles exercise, 4 days a week will be good planning.

My first day exercise program is as below:

1. 20 minutes cycling at low tension

2. Back

3. Shoulders, Trap

4. Biceps

5. 20 minutes of rowing at slow pace

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