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Thursday, March 27, 2008

How To Make Your OWN Bodybuilding & Fat Loss Supplements

Just like perfume companies take high-dollar designer brands and “copy” their formula to develop and market a much cheaper alternative, you too can “knock off” the “secret formulas” of supplement manufacturers and make them much cheaper yourself.

Now there ARE some obstacles you’re going to face if you try to do this…

First you have the earlier problem of knowing which ingredients that are listed actually WORK…and which ones are WORTHLESS.

Second, you need to know in what QUANTITIES effective supplements must be used so you’re not wasting your time with your OWN “sprinkle” problem.

Third, you need to know WHERE to find the ingredients you’re going to use at a cost low enough to make it worth your while.

Fourth, you need to know exactly HOW the ingredients listed interact with one another to either boost the effectiveness of each supplement alone…or in some cases even NEGATE the effects of other ingredients (yes…sometimes the ingredients companies use can actually cancel each other out!)

Now, on the front end, this may look like a LOT of work…and it IS if you’re doing the research yourself. In fact, it typically takes me about 2 DAYS to fully investigate a product’s claims and ingredients and then ANOTHER day to prepare my “attack plan” to formulate my own homemade formula.

But you’re in luck because here’s how you can completely eliminate the “research and development” learning curve with my special little “shortcut”…

On May 2nd, I’m going to be releasing a 200 page manual called “Homemade Supplement Secrets” that does ALL of the legwork for you.

I’ve decided to take the “fight” to the greedy supplement manufacturers and give the “Average Joe” the ammunition to keep their hard earned money where it belongs…in their own pockets!

So just how much savings are we talking about?

What if I told you that you can EASILY take a “fat burner” supplement that NORMALLY costs up to $99.98…and make it YOURSELF for just $5.00 a month?

Or how about a popular “muscle-builder” that normally costs $79.90…that you can make for just $6.29 a month?

These are just a COUPLE of examples of how you can start “fighting back” against the companies that are sucking money out of our pockets like a Hoover vacuum.

In “Homemade Supplement Secrets”, here’s what I do…

Expose all of the scams, cons, tricks, and downright FRAUDS that plague the supplement industry! There are GOOD companies…and there are “BAD” companies. I show you how to spot the cons like an FBI interrogator!

Show you how you can set up your own “home base lab” with everyday items and utensils you never expected had an “alternative” use. No need to break out that chemistry set your mom and dad bought you back in 3rd grade. EVERYTHING you need to get started can be found at your local grocery store!

Provide an “ingredient-by-ingredient” analysis of the “major supplements” in 8 different supplementation areas to show you what independent research has to say about its TRUE effectiveness so you can make your own decision about what is right for YOU. I take all of the “top sellers” and turn them inside out. You’ll know how REAL science weighed in on some of the highest priced supplements!

Break open my own personal “knock off” formulas for 24 (yes, that’s TWENTY-FOUR!) of the top selling supplements available today! I won’t spare a single secret as I spill the beans on how YOU can whack off as much as 98% on your supplement bill…starting TOMORROW!

GIVE you my own “little black book” of the very BEST resources for quality supplement ingredients that will SHOCK you with their prices. I’ve turned over every rock I could find for the past 2 years in looking for the very best deals available on supplements. You’ll be amazed at some of the deals that are literally HIDDEN from the average person and tucked away in the darkest corners you may never even think to look. I found them…and now their YOURS!

This is just a quick sample of what I’ll be revealing in this controversial “how-to” guide!

But here’s the catch…

…I’m ONLY going to release 1,000 copies of the program at 12:00 noon (US Central Time) on Wednesday, May 2nd…and notice is going out to over 500,000 email subscribers!

Why only 1,000 copies?

Well, even though I’ve remained as “politically correct” as possible, I’ve already ticked off quite a few people by stepping on the toes of the “big boys”.

I’ve even been turned down by some major fitness magazines for advertising simply because it would “hurt the feelings” of their major advertisers who are pushing $10,000 per page ads trying to get us to fork over our hard-earned money.

Quite frankly, I have NO IDEA what public reaction is going to be.

I have a feeling that the “regular working guys” who are looking to save a TON on their supplement bill will send me flowers…

But “backroom” supplement manufacturers who are pumping out worthless bottles of crap are going to contact my local Chicago mafia representative to take out a “hit” on me.

Not that I’m really concerned with assassination attempts (I’ve seen enough Schwarzenegger movies to handle myself!)…but I DO have some friends in the industry (both in the manufacturing AND marketing ends) and I’ve decided that while I don’t care about hurting the feelings of the big box supplement companies, I’m NOT looking to damage the business of friends who ARE putting out some quality supplements.

After the 1,000 initial copies, I’m going to assess whether or not it’s worth it to re-release the manual…or shut it down permanently.

I may release it again…I may not…but I can assure you of one thing…

On May 2nd, I’m going to release it at a price so unbelievable, you would be INSANE not to be waiting by your keyboard for my launch notification just so you can grab your copy before they’re all gone.

BUT…I’m going to give you a chance RIGHT NOW to sign up for my “Early Bird” Notification List where you can get an extra ONE HOUR headstart on the rest of the world (yes…this program MAY sell out in under 1 hour! If you don’t want to take the chance, then I suggest you secure your spot in line right now! No kidding!)

If you’re currently using ANY supplements, I urge you to get on my “early bird” notification list so you can be one of the 1,000 people who will gain access to this controversial new program.

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