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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Warnings on Important MealS for body building

Below is the two most important meals that affect your entire body highly compared to any other meals you take throughout the day.

1. Breakfast
During the whole day, the best time your body absorb any nutritions that you eat is morning (during 6am-9am). This is the most important meal of the day for you. Take high proteins, calcium, iron, potassium, and other nutrients with less carbs (possible) and drink a glass of milk every morning for your breakfast. Give first priority to your breakfast if you want to stay healthy. Remember, just to take healthy food for your breakfast. Anything you eat for your breakfast is at high rate of absorption compared to any other meals throughout the day. If you eat unhealthy breakfast like fast foods, canned food, deep fried vegetables, or etc... then you are finding troubles for your own body.

2. Post-workout Meal
This meal stands at the rank of 2 after breakfast at absorption chart. Why?
Simple: When you done with your exercise, you might have used all your meals calories and burn additional body fats and each and every single cell in your body is in hell hungry. You need to watch out and give high priority to your post workout meals. Take at least 40 grams of proteins and 80 grams of carbs immediately after workout. High protein will help to repair and build your tired muscles. High carbs enables you to refuel back with energy after your workouts.

Try not to skip this two meals. This are the most important meals throughout the day in your life if you involve in sports. Also, please give high priority and carefully choose your meals during these two meals. Take only healthy foods. You body will absorb good and bad nutrients during this period.

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