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Thursday, March 27, 2008

E.L.M. -- 3 Bodybuilding Truths You MUST Learn

How the ELM Tree Can Help You Achieve the Body of Your Dreams!

Last Wednesday, April 9, 2007 I was kidnapped!

Into attending a positive coaching session at the local high school. The flyer said "parents strongly urged to attend." The minute I got there I had a feeling it was going to be a long night. And I didn't even have any gum.

When I flipped thru the manual and listened to the speaker, I tried desperately to think all this talk about coaching had anything to do with fitness. You know what I'm talking about right? I was desperate to find some personally connection to stay awake.

Then it HIT ME like a piano from the 30th story window!

Something called the ELM Tree. And if I had known about this when I first stared, maybe I wouldn't have made so many damn mistakes that held me back for years.

"What is holding people back from achieving total success?" Or...

"What individuals who have achieved success are doing differently than 95% of the population?"
If you know the ELM Tree which stands for:

* Effort
* Learning
* Mistakes are OK

Then you'll know how all these gurus, fitness experts and people who have achieve success do it. It's the way in which they approach their goals. And it's as simple as changing the definition of "winning" in your own mind that will make all the difference.

No need to pay a dime for this. It's just a quick and easy way to look at how you've been taught and how you should think that will flip that light switch and actually change your life.

Look, I'm human too. I've made my fair share of mistakes. Bought too many tapes and books that just pitched some backend program.

Nobody every told me my thinking in approaching my fat loss or muscle building goals were probably being derailed by my DEFINITION of success. Once I realized how the maters think, it became clear how to get the results I wanted from almost any program.

Now let me tell you about the ELM Tree. It will take just a few minutes of your time to listen. And hopefully that little light switch will get flicked on and you'll have one of those million dollar "ah-ha" moments.

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