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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fitness Pros Pitch In To Help Find Cure For Cancer

Meet Alwyn Cosgrove (pronouced Allen). Alwyn is a well respected in the fitness, fat loss and sports training industry. What you don't know about Alwyn is that he's a two time cancer survivor and underwent a complete stem cell transplant in June of 2006! Upon returning from his second recovery, Alwyn decided it was time to give something back to help continue to support the funding needed to find a cure.

To find a cure for cancer -- we need to fund research. To fund research -- we need money. Plain and simple. - Alwyn cosgrove

He approached several of his close fitness friends, and asked them to contribute to a little book project. As it turned out, his "little book" project turned into an 800 page monster from some of the finest fitness minds in the industry. Of course, nobody wants to print out 800 pages right off or be mailed a dictionary and charged for shipping so he put all these articles including his own "live" in-the-trenches-on-the-frontline account of cancer treatment - everything that went through his head onto a CD (the articles in a PDF format).
Alwyn says he is alive today because of advanced medical treament..

Medical treatment was discovered through research…

Research that required funding…

Funding that was sourced by donations…

Donations that came from people like you and me…

All the proceeds from the sale of this product go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

In the first week alone, his creation raised $10,000 and was read by over 22,000 readers on With a few more liked mined people spreading the word, it's unknown what could happen.

If all of us in the Internet fitness community - readers/enthusiasts and trainers/professionals alike - would all pitch in, just imagine how much more we could raise for the Society…
Alwyn has asked us all to donate by purchasing a copy of LIFT STRONG. He has also asked us all to spread the word…
If you were about to purchase the next hyped up supplement that promises amazing muscle growth then THINK about what's being offered here.
A vast amount of industry expert knowledge. Not skinny guys who just figured out eating was the key to building muscle. Not a person who lost 10 lbs and now is a fat loss expert.
But certified fitness professionals with certifications and credentials.
Alwyn has done his part. Members of the fitness industry have pitched in and done their part. Now he is asking you to do your part. Won’t you support this cause by going to and purchasing a copy of LIFT STRONG?
You won't find any sales mumbo jumbo on that page. I've done that here . What you will find is a list of the contributors (except me because Alwyn claimed he didn't know me). Do a Google search first to see who they are or whatever you want to do to ensure the information you are going to get on this CD is something of high value.

PPS - I personally lost my Aunt to a 2-year battle with cancer. It was horribly painful to slowly watch her die and never understand the reason's why she got it. But she kept her head high and always believed one day she would be cured.

PPPS - My wife lost her brother to stomach cancer 6 months before I meet her. He went in for a stomach ache and died 3 weeks later.

PPPPS - No matter your position on this the informaiton on the CD you'll get it worth more than most products on the market today.

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