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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

4 Questions before starting Bodybuilding

If you want to start bodybuilding there are some very important questions you will need to ask yourself first. Before we even get to that you need to go to the doctor so that he/she will tell you if it is safe for you to lift weights. If you are not healthy or have some diseases you might hurt yourself by doing bodybuilding. THe good thing is that there are alternatives but you have to ask for your doctor's permision to work out first. Now let us get to the questions any individual has to ask himself/herself before starting to lift weights:

1. Do I have the will power to practice bodybuilding?
Why start this sport if you go to the gym for 4 months and then quit. Once you start it you should continue! Be sure you are prepared to stick with it!

2. Can I eat Right?
A major part of bodybuilding lies in nutrition. You need discipline to eat right and make compromises. Are you ready to quit unhealthy food or at least stay as far away as possible?

3. Do I need goals?
You need to think straight! You can not imagine to become huge in two months. Bodybuilding is hard and setting small realistic results is what you need to do. You will not be able to compete at Mr. Olympia in one year! You do need goals but they must be achievable

4. Is bodybuilding going to change my life?
YES! bodybuilding will change your life but you have to realize that there is live outside the gym. Think about the sacrifices you will need to make if you want to be ready to keep up with your regular schedule and go to the gym!

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