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Friday, April 18, 2008

Fitness training – three steps to losing extra weight

Extra pounds have given you a bad status in society? People are looking strange when you walk down the street? Your favorite dress doesn’t fit you anymore and you have to go shopping for clothes that are a number bigger than usual? You don’t feel that good, you breathe harder and your heart is not so good at in the last analysis?

Well if you haven’t yet considered it (yeah right), you should think about loosing weight! Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth the effort? Certainly. So say goodbye to sweets, calorie filled dishes and that couch that you left a butt mark on and say hello to a new program, a more energetic one that will turn you into an active person, a healthier and a better looking one!

Fitness is one of the most used methods to loose weight, but it’s not enough just to do exercises. More and more trainers believe that loosing extra pounds should be a three step program: strength training, loosing calories and extra easy exercise.

In order to loose that belly you don’t have to move to the gym and make it your house. You should better choose one day of the week and exercise hard as you can, and then have the rest of the week gym-free. Studies show that it is better to workout just once a week because if not, the muscles will be too stressed and after that they will get used to the effort and the progress will be zero. Don’t try to increase the level of exercise gradually because instead of refreshing the body, you will make your muscles bigger and that is not an option for fitness.

The second step is loosing calories and you do that by finding out what is an appropriate diet for you and the follow it. This means that you have to stop eating fat filled dishes and sweets but eat foods that will give you the necessary organic substances to feed your body – proteins and vegetables mostly. It is very important to remember that your body is made mostly from water and when following a diet you could get dehydrated and so drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

The last step is extra exercise like instead of taking the car try walking if your destination is not too far. This will make you feel better about yourself because you’ll notice the improvement.

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