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Friday, April 18, 2008

Bodybuilding and Muscle Dysmorphia

Muscle dysmporhia (commonly misspelled muscle dismorphia) is a disorder that is characterized by the individual becoming obsessed with the thoughts that he/she is not muscular enough. Those that suffer from muscle dysmorphia will usually think that they are too small even if they are more than the average when it comes to development in musculature. To put it simple, this is a special type of dysmorphic disorder and will bring problems as time passes, including a need to take in steroids even if they are not justified.

People that suffer from muscle dysmorphia will have some changes in the regular behavior pattern. They will examine themselves in the mirror constantly, will hate what they see, will become distressed if they miss a workout session, a meal or if they do not get enough protein daily. The steroids problems were already listed, they will neglect the world around them including relationships, family and jobs. Individuals will also have constant delusions of being underweight or below average in musculature. When reaching extreme cases some people will even inject appendages with fluids in order to simulate muscular proportions that are not right.

The good news is that muscle dysmoprhia is rare and can be treated easily through proper treatment. In most cases people that practice bodybuilding learn about their bodies and will not develop such a disorder. As expected, this is more common in males and will usually appear during late teens period. The average onset age of muscle dysmorphia is 19.4 years and will usually appear in individuals that are already seen as muscular by others.

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