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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Age does not matter

Bodybuilding is not necessarily something that you need to start young. You can see on TV a lot of examples of bodybuilders giving interviews and it is true that when asked "When did you start bodybuilding?" they will answer something like 15-16 in most cases. This does not mean that you need to be this young in order to practice this sport. You can even be successful in competitions. For instance, we have Pax Beale, which won the Mr. USA title and started bodybuilding at 54. Ed Corney started at 26 and became succesful. He even won the Mr. World title. You do not have to compete in bodybuilding, I always keep saying that but you can even do this if you have good genes and determination. Bodybuilding is as much as heart as it is body and mind. Age does not really matter when it comes to starting. It is good for anyone to practice a sport and if you enjoy bodybuilding why not do it? The same goes for fitness of course.

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