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Friday, April 18, 2008

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Natural methods are now more widely used by people, for alternative medicine or just for looks and relaxation. One the most problematic aspects of our body is weight gain, which can lead to health problems, physical appearance issues and even psychological and social problems. People try to overcome these problems by diets, exercises, hypnoses and a lot of other methods – some work some are not followed to success. Nature can help you in your quest to get slim by giving you Green Tea.

Green Tea can help you lower your cholesterol, increase the body’s capacity of burning calories and enhance fat oxidation. This tea helps your body to burn that nasty fat quicker and so exercising will show effects faster. It’s not that you can eat anything again if you drink green tea - that would be too close to heaven. It just helps your body to burn calories and fat.

As soon as you start drinking Green Tea, you will see the effects. You will feel lighter only after some day of drinking the tea and will have the energy for jogging or going to the gym. It’s easier to stick to the diet when you feel like your improving, as opposite to when you stop eating sweets, give up food that you love, and run in the gym until you run out of breath – and nothing happens! Pounds will drop and going shopping for smaller size cloths will be your new delight. Now if that is not a motivation I don’t now what is!

Of course if not only appearance is your problem, be sure that by drinking green tea you will lose weight and so feel better: your heart will work better, the blood will run more freely in your veins and when running you won’t huff and puff as usual. You will feel you body lighter, more free to run, exercise and why not play with your children or the family dog for more than 5 minutes.

Loosing weight is a good thing for your health but don’t overdo it because on the other side there are people that suffer from bulimia and anorexia. Just be careful about that and loose only extra pounds! If it gets hard to stick to the diet – and I know it is - just think about how great you look and how everyone will look at the new you. Green Tea can help you with this

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