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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Instinctive Training

Believe it or not, some people simply refuse to train instinctively, including some of the world’s top champions. They feel they need the regiment of a routine, following a planned program written down in a journal. Some, including the “Iron Guru” himself, Vince Gironda, even spoke against incentive training stating it was for people who didn’t know what they were doing or how to train. The truth is instinctive training can be one of the most rewarding workout concepts in bodybuilding. It can keep your enthusiasm level high, ward off burnout, increase your energy level, and promote new growth and gains. I know some who train every workout instinctively and wouldn’t train any other way. Now I don’t subscribe to doing that but I definitely feel at various times in your training, doing so instinctively is a great approach and one that is well worth considering.

I have never understood the fear some have of training according to how the mind and body leads them. After all, experimentation, trail and error, are by far the best teachers in determining what is best for each (Read More)

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