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Friday, April 18, 2008

Picking the Right Personal Trainer

Picking the right personal trainer can be difficult. We already discussed some reasons as to why you should hire one but now let us think about how to actually choose the one personal trainer that is best for you. Not every individual is the same. There are different characteristics like method, personality and experience that are very important in you deciding whether a personal trainer is suitable for you or not. Let us think at what you need to know in picking the right personal trainer.

First off, there is also the possibility of consulting an online personal trainer, one that will actually be a virtual personal trainer and nothing else. Although this possibility exists, we recommend that you go for a regular trainer, although finding one in the area where you live might be difficult. The biggest problem stands in a right personality because your personal trainer needs to do more than give you a workout. He needs to motivate you and keep you on track in order for you to achieve your goals. This is almost impossible with a virtual personal trainer and a regular one will do a lot better. The problem is that you need to be comfortable with the approach the trainer is using. Some people need tough methods while others will need to have a supportive trainer that will use a more comforting tone.

Next to personality, professional certification is very important. You wouldn't want to hire a trainer that has no education in this field of activity. One individual can go through a personal trainer course but can turn out to be unsuited for such a job. You will not find just one certification body that will tell you for sure that the trainer is professionally trained although there are different privately run certifying agencies around the world. For instance, in the US we do have the American College of Sports Medicine, the International Sports Sciences Association, the American Council on Exercise, the National Federation of Professional Trainers, the National Council of Strength and Fitness and the National Strength and COnditioning Association.

Your new personal trainer needs to have the right experience and a few years should be on the CV. Look for the field of activity! If you want to go into a fitness workout a personal trainer with experience in fitness will be better than one with experience in bodybuilding and the other way around. Ask for references and call the individuals that gave them and talk about the personal experience with the specific personal trainer. If the individual had results in similar people as yourself, there is a big chance that you will also be successful thanks to his experience. The key is actually researching before hiring and this will make it possible for you to choose the right personal trainer, the one that will aid you in reaching your personal fitness, bodybuilding or any other sport goals.

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