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Friday, April 18, 2008

Fitness Tips

Here are some interesting fitness tips you might not know or you might have ignored up till now. To start off, avoid white food as much as possible. This included anything made with white sugar or white flower. Whole ingredients are much better for your body. Cross training is also very important. If you train the same way each day you are actually limiting your fitness gains. Why not try a variety of exercises? Also, you could think about some intensive stretching forms of exercise like pilates. Pilates can be very efficient but do not forget your diet. One last thing that needs to be mentioned is the fact that concentrating on your weight is quite a bad idea. You need to think about body fat levels and not your weight. I see so many girls that tend to try and lose weight when they really do not need to do that. Low body fat should be your goal and not that perfect weight people talk about

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