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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sylvester Stallone and Growth Hormone

This is one interesting piece of news I just read. It seems that Sylvester Stallone was charged with importing an illeagal growth hormone under the form of a drug called Jintropin. To his defense, the "Rocky" star and in my opinion a former great body has declared that he did not know the drug was illegal. He was caught in Australia holding 48 vials of this hormone. It does seem a lot doesn't it? The fact is that it seems he has a medical condition that he treats using hormones for quite a long time. Although it looks like nobody knows what he is suffering from, the excuse will probably not make him escape a fine that could reach a maximum of $36,000. Stallone declared to his defense that:

Never ever was it my intention to breach the laws and I realise that I should have properly informed myself about your customs
To read the entire story go read the article on SMH.COM

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