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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

7 Golden Put on Muscle Rules

1. Eat at least 5 times per day
Your body needs to be saturated with glycogen from carb and protein sources and amino acids. Eating 5 times per day is needed because you never now when you will need these nutrients. Also, if you do not eat often you get starvation kicking in and this starts a chain reaction that eventually consumes muscle tissue for energy!

2. Center you Workout
You need to concentrate on big compund movements like presses and squats. Working as many muscle groups as possible with few sets will get you packing on muscles much faster. Just as a simple example, squats can train your lower back and glutes even if focusing on your quads. Assistance should be minimal and this makes your growth process work better

3. The number of Sets
Never do more than 30 sets at any workout and keep in mind that in most cases less is better. Overtraining is one of the main reasons why most bodybuilders can not pack muscle weight!

4. Rest
Do not train more than two days in a row is a golden rule! You need to take a rest and not only your muscles need to. Your entire nervous system needs to relax!

5. Protein Drinks
Having a protein drink right after a training session really works. It boosts insulin levels and promotes synthesis in muslc protein. This basically means faster growth

6. General Break
Every four to six weeks of intense training should be followed by a big break. You can take a full week of rest or minimize training for two weeks. You can thus recuperate and promote a new growth spurt.

7. Aviod Stress
Keep your cool! No matter what happens try to be the best you can be. Stress can cause excessive energy burn and this energy burn is better shifted towards muscle growth.

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