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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How to Eat More

It may be strange for most bodybuilders that keep on trying to eat less that there are individuals out there that are struggling to eat more. Professional bodybuilders need calories and some need a lot of them. This is why there is a need to eat a lot. Unfortunately not everyone can consume so many calories. One example is former second placed at Mr. Olympia Mohamed Makkavi, who had a problem: his appetite was not enough and he felt full after a couple of bites. If you have the same problem and need more calories here is what you should try:

1. Wait until you are hungry - This is a very good rule of thumb. Just because most pros out there eat every 2 hours does not mean that everyone can. Some people have a digestive system that is simply slower and need 3 or 4 hours between meals. You need to experiment and determine how many hours you need for your appetite to come back. You might have been trying to eat to often and you metabolism might have not been able to cope with that.

2. Add more - You are trying to add a little more on your weights each week so why not try this with food? Raise the number of calories taken in with just a little more food than normal. In some weeks you should be able to eat around 20% more. Add a shake at every meal. There might be a possibility that you will feel you are eating to much if you take in more food but with a shake you can not fail as you have liquid proteins.

3. Eat faster - The human brain has different sensors that will make your appetite drop when it feels the stomach is full. However, there is a delay in signaling. This means that you can eat a lot more after you are full because the brain announces you after some time. Try to eat faster so that more food can enter your stomach until you feel "full".
I hope at least one of these three suggestions will help out.

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