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Friday, April 18, 2008

Jay Cutler is Mr. Olympia Again

Well, here we have it, Jay Cutler is now the two time Mr. Olympia. The official results were:
1- Jay Cutler
2- Victor Martinez
3- Dexter Jackson
4- Ronnie Coleman
5- Dennis Wolf
6- Melvin Anthony
It is quite surprising for Ronnie Coleman to come only 4. Nobody really expected it while people did like Victor Martinez and always placed him 3rd in the predictions. Dexter Jackson was also highlighted as a top 5 contender. Nobody really expected Ronnie would come fourth though. I though Jay Cutler would get first place, Ronnie Coleman second place and Victor Martinez third place at Mr. Olympia this year. Well, I was a little wrong, as were many of us. Anyhow, congratulations go to Jay Cutler for winning Mr. Olympia 2007. He also rumored that he will be retiring soon so let us wait and see on that as well. I will post more info as soon as it is available.

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