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Friday, April 18, 2008

Loosing weight with the help of hypnosis

The ideal weight is hard to reach especially if you like food and eating it, or you have a slow metabolism. Different diets are put in your face by friends, relatives, your soul mate… and the TV! It’s frustrating how society insists on making you lose weight. In this great marry-go-round called your life, you have to get depressed when your clothes don’t fit you anymore… It’s time to do something, you say to yourself! I’ll go to the gym; I’ll cut on sweets and even go jogging, no matter how weird people seem to look at me!

It’s a wonderful thought, but will you stick to the plan? Usually you last a mearly month or two and then run for the cushy kitchen and savor that chocolate that was taken away from you. You tend to forget about all those reasons that made you exercise and sacrifice yourself; not even the health factor can help you now, and why? Because it’s too damn hard!!!

Now there is a solution to your struggle: hypnosis. Don’t reject the idea! Nobody will screw with your mind, just help you a bit. Imagine this: all that disgust for diet food and tiredness of doing exercise can turn into pleasant things, and you can enjoy loosing weight, looking better and being healthy.

You know that if are doing something you like, you do it – if not, you would rather not do it. So why not try hypnosis to make you like diets and training in the gym and all that…? I sure can’t find a reason why. No matter what diet you try, no matter how well it is fit for you, your personality and problems; it can’t do a darn thing if you don’t stick to it, right? It doesn’t matter how many up to date gyms are near your house or workplace if you don’t go!

Let your brain be tricked into liking low-fat food, sweating at the gym, not eating sweets and other calorie rich dishes. It’s the easiest way to success and you should try it, or at least think about the possibility. When you decide, just be careful where you go to get hypnotized! Be sure that the person that is performing this action is a pro and not a mambo-jumbo that will take your money and do nothing to help you.

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