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Friday, April 18, 2008

What is a Biceps Curl?

We keep hearing the term biceps curl but few people really understand what that is. A biceps curl is not one exercise but any exercise that targets the biceps brachii muscle with the purpose of developing definition, size, strength or stamina. You will need equipment in a gym to perform a biceps curl and possible equipment includes dumbbells, barbell, cable machine, E-Z bar (also known as a Bent bar), special biceps curling machine or Nautilus equipment.

The common factor behind these exercises stands in the curling motion exhibited. A weight attached to a given item of equipment (listed above) will be moved through an arc, with the biceps being the main muscle utilized in the motion. It will contract in order to lift the weight until a maximum point is reached from where further motion is not available. By lowering the weight back the muscle is extended and reaches the starting position. One repetition consists in one contraction plus an extension.

Bicep curls are very important in bodybuilding and they are essential in achieving big arms. Different techniques are used and sometimes bodybuilders will also utilize hammer curls or reverse curls as variations in order to stimulate the biceps differently.

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