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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No Sit-ups for Sculpting Abs

So many individuals still think that in order to sculpt your abs you need to do hundreds of abs. This is NOT TRUE! I said it before and I will say it as many times as I have to. Here is an interesting routine that I recommend (among many others possible) that can sculpt your abs without any sit-ups if done properly. First of all add balance moves to your routine. This improves your posture, helps prevent future injuries and strengthens your core. The following exercises are recommended by Michelle Dozois, owner of Breakthru Fitness in Pasadena, California. You need to do them three times a week and remember to keep your abs tight through each move.

1. Plank with Shoulder Clock
Get into a push-up position after wrapping a resistance band around both of your hands. Your right arm should reach forward, then to the side and then back toward your right thigh while lowering to center each time. You should do complete series of these exercises twice per each side, 3 sets in total. If effort is not enough you can use small dumbells.

2. Reverse Lunge with Press
Grab a dumbbell in each hand and stand while holding them at shoulder height, palms forward. Step back with the right lef, then lift the right knee toward your chest. In the mean time press the weights over your head. As you back in the original positions lower the weights. Do 15 reps an then switch the leg.

3. One-Arm Dumbbell Chest Press
Lie down! Face should be up with your shouldres and head on a stable bench or medicine ball. Knees should be bent and feet must be on the floor. Take a dumbbell in your hand and hold it above your shoulder with the palm facing forward. Now bend your elbow and lower the weight out to side until your elbow is bent around 90 degrees. Now press the weight back to the starting position. Do 15 reps with your right hand and then switch hands.

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