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Friday, April 18, 2008

Women Bodybuilding Thoughts

There is this conception going around that bodybuilding is harder for women than it is for men. This is not really true, or at least it is not true from a woman's point of view. Many consider it as big of a challenge for both sexes.

When it comes to bodybuilding there is not really that much special things you need to know, unless you want to go into competitions. That is where you really need to have a handle on this sport. Every human has the same muscles and basically the same build. There are differences of course but they are not that huge. Just because a woman is practicing bodybuilding does not mean she has fewer chances of succeeding as she would have had if she was a man.

The biggest debate at hand stands in the fact that men are aided by testosterone and many think this is why men develop stronger muscles at faster speeds. Women have estrogen, a hormone that is known for its fat-building capabilities. The fact is the only time when estrogen can damage a woman's body is when she quits bodybuilding. That is when a woman will pack weight faster than a man.

Facts are simple. A woman practicing bodybuilding has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is mental. Women gain huge confidence about their capability to defend themselves and more. Contrary to popular belief, many women look sexier after doing bodybuilding, which can basically be a stronger fitness work out routine. They do not need to look like a man, just build up some muscle.

When it comes to disadvantages the main one was already stated. If a woman stops bodybuilding she will pack on weight at a very high rate. This can really be demoralizing so if a woman wants to start bodybuilding she really needs to think about this. Also, keep in mind that a woman will have a body that looks exaggerated only in competitions and not outside of them.

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