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Friday, April 18, 2008

Hardcore Bodybuilding

Want a big body? Great muscles and athletic look? You’ve done normal work out but it’s not enough? Then it’s time for you guys and girls to turn into a psycho trainer and get into real shape!

How do I do this? Glad you ask. First you have to decide if you’re up for it because this is a very intense program and you can get hurt if not careful. Good now think you have to turn into the most demanding person ever known to man. The general figure is the “Sergeant” who trains his troops through yelling, demanding more and more, disconsidering people and their needs. It’s best to have a hardcore training partner to push you harder, nearly to the maximum and give you personal influence to push as well. You can have more than one partner, in case one wimps out. Beware of the wimp and the slacker!

When do you know this is working and you are training the hardcore style? When it really hurts, your face is turning in more than one shade of red; when your body hurts the next day and the day after that and you feel like this is hell. Don’t forget: this is for the strongest and at any time you can wimp out.

When you can lift more than usually don’t get used to that! Do it harder!!! The same is for your training partner – push him to the maximum; you can’t work with a slacker and convince him of that. You can use the “surge drill” on him to get a real psycho workout and get real buffed up.

What kind of exercises you should do during this program? Here are some pointers:

●Bench Press/Incline Bench Press
●Lat Pull downs
●Cable Rows
●Hack Squats
●Leg Curls/ Leg extensions.
●Shoulder Shrugs
●Triceps kickbacks

What do I do if I have a break-down? Well it’s up to you: if you want to quit, just do it! That means you’re not up for the hardcore program. If you really want that great body, don’t get discouraged and keep going. It seems rough? It’s supposed to be hard! It’s HARDcore… use these moments of weakness to motivate yourself. If you can not do it, relax, maybe you are not quite ready!

How often should you do these workouts? Three times a week is enough to build your perfect body. Remember those proteins and shakes to have what to work if your nutrition is bad, your workout won’t really work!

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