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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Your Warm Up

One of the most neglected parts of a productive work out is the warm-up. The risk of having an injury is reduced to a minimum if you do a proper warm-up. You should also realize that the execution will be improved because your muscles will be better prepared for effort. Before you start the training session I have to recommend that you do at least 5 minutes of cardio workout. This is excellent for your body because you are raising its temperature and you take it to the needed status for the work out. Do not exaggerate as a cardio session must not be transformed in a training session. Doing a long warm-up will reduce the muscle’s glycogen reserves needed to sustain effort during weight work outs. After doing a warm-up you could also do a series of movements intended for all muscular groups and you have to do this before every work out.

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