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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fitness Motivation

You go to the gym every day because of two common reasons in most cases: either you really want to lose weight or you want to keep your achieved weight the same. Either ways, it is a process of “I need to” and not “I like to”. And what is really to like? Sweating? Exhausting yourself indoors like a caged rodent? Well no, but its results are greater than that discomfort and by the end of your program you can look in the mirror and think that you’ve achieved something more by getting in shape and being healthy.

It’s quite hard to get in that great shape you want but in the end it’s worth it. All sorts of fitness gyms try to make your workout as fun and pleasant as possible – I’m sure you like the active music that pumps you up and gives you the energy to keep on stretching. If you do not like it you can always go for an MP3 player to enhance your workout environment.

You also get a personal trainer in these gyms, so you are provided with the feeling that you are cared for and given a personalized program according to your needs and of course what you really want to achieve by doing fitness – lose weight or keep in shape.

Sometimes that little devil on your shoulder (laziness) won’t let you go to the gym and will always give you some apparently good reasons to stay home or go out for a drink instead. I know that, because I was that devil’s victim myself, but what you have to realize is your target: you want to look and feel great and going out for that drink won’t do it for you!

When I feel that laziness I try to motivate myself to go do my workout by looking in the mirror and after I see my flaws (there is no woman that doesn’t see at least one, ever), I think that by going I can diminish them a bit. That really gets me going!

If that doesn’t work for you, try telling your friend or partner to tell you to go. More people take in consideration what others think of them, than what they need to do. So when your boyfriend will remind you what you planned to look like in a month and by not going to the gym you spoil everything, I’m sure you’ll feel that fitness motivation you are looking for!

Another way to get fitness motivation is to leave yourself a message in the evening for the next morning with two reasons why you should skip your workout. You tend to get lazier in the morning and make more plans in the evening.

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