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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another Option - Fitness Bread

As we grow more and more concerned by the way we look, we start to go to the gym more, to run, to swim, everything that means burning calories. However, not many do the most important thing: keep a diet. Try to eat healthy, with less carbohydrates and fats, sweets and chemicals. And sometimes we do, but…and now comes the “but” part, many, unfortunately do not remove bread from their alimentation.

Despite the fact there are some studies that show that bread itself does not lead to putting on weight, many athletes and nutritionists noticed that the white bread (most common type of bread) has negatives effects on the body, and in fact helps fat to settle in. It contains additives, sugar, and salt, all of these being things that are a big NO for anyone, especially one that wants to loose weight, or just keep a diet to be healthier. Still, without bread many types of food don’t seem edible, as we are used with bread (truth be told one can’t eat butter without bread, but then again, butter is not good either because of the increased quantity of fat it contains). But what is there to do for the average Joe, like you and me, that trains in his spare time, just to keep in shape, that works at least 8 hours a day? We need food cause otherwise we would simply fall.

Well, there is a new thing on the market, called fitness bread. Usually when I hear about “fitness” products, like commercial rice cakes, fitness cereals and other stuff like this I just say pass. Still, after taking a look at perhaps one of the most popular types of fitness breads, the Mestermacher fitness bread, I somewhat changed my mind. Their fitness rye bread with oat and wheat germ: whole rye flour (51%), water, whole oat flour (3%), sunflower seeds (2.5%), wheat germ (1.5%), salt appears to lack the usual additives that appear in average white bread, also, it has received many good recommendations from nutritionists and athletes as a good replacement for the usual bread we use to indulge ourselves in. Also I have seen a lot of rice and soy based bread, all natural, with no additives.

The positive thing about this kind of bread, the fitness bread is that with no additives it does not have that property of holding water inside the body (like a sponge), it gives the amount of energy needed for exercise and also, considering that this kind of bread is made out of natural cereals if provides the fibers needed for a good digestion. So, with this being said, I recommend this type of bread as an alternative to other kinds of bread, if you can’t simply give up to eating bread. But remember: if you are keeping a diet, with the sole purpose to burn out fat, try to give up on all kind of breads and replace them with soy meals, rice, salads. It is hard, but it can be done.

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