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Friday, April 18, 2008

Nintendo Wii as a Fitness Tool

There are a lot of stories about the health benefits obtained from playing the all popular video game console Nintendo Wii. Let us try and think about whether or not the wii as a fitness tool can be effective or not! In my personal view I truly believe that it is although there are some notions that we still need to keep in mind. Wii as a fitness tool is basically linked to a cardio workout and we all know that the best fitness programs out there need to be made out of cardio and resistence training with a combination of nutrition. This basically means that the Wii alone is not a good fitness tool but it can add to your workout an interesting, fun and maybe important element.

A good cardio workout must also come with involving an elevated heart rate that is sustained and you must use as much of your entire body as you can. This means that not a lot of games on the Wii will aid you in obtaining a good fitness cardio workout. Probably the best one out there at this point in time is Wii Boxing. You can use a lot of your body and it can keep your heart rate at an elevated stated without having risk of injury. A lot of people that do fitness are focusing on weight loss and cardio workouts are very important in every single routine. Short breaks during weight lifting routines can be taken and use of exercises that raise heart rate is recommended. With using Wii boxing we could get that if the individual uses both hands to punch and we add footwork to the mix. Wii as a fitness tool is still not developed enough but with time passing it is hard to believe that people will not think about the possible benefits. This could mean that we would get to see different games on the market that will focus on exercise. This would make fitness more enjoyable and so the Nintendo Wii can be a great fitness tool in my book.

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