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Friday, April 18, 2008

Creative Ideas to Burn Calories

Nowadays is getting harder and harder to find some time for you, to spend some time relaxing, taking care of yourself. There is a job one must get to everyday, there is a family to take care of, there are so many things to do, in a world full of stress, of pressure, people are everywhere trying to get something from you…there is just not enough time for going to a gym and working out a bit, relax, burn some calories and try to keep in shape. It is cute, but it is wrong! All you have to do is be creative. Here are some ideas that might not do miracles, but can sure be the beginning of something great: becoming an active healthy person.

1. When you wake up try and spare 10 minutes for exercising. Pick 3 types of exercises and repeat them for 10 minutes. For example you can work your abs, arms and legs.
2. Try to lower the amount of time you usually need to reach your working place or during lunch break your favorite dinner place (walking - this is very important! WALK…always try to walk). For example if it normally takes you 20 minutes to reach your working place, try to pace up the step and make it in 18 minutes, then next time 15 minutes, till you reach your best possible time.
3. If there are steps where you work or where you live, try going up and down the stairs several times a day (for example say you are going to climb them all 6 times that day, and DO IT)
4. While sitting/standing try and do some exercises to fortify your muscles. For example flex your abs for 60 seconds. Repeat this three times. You will feel them getting stronger in just 2-3 weeks if you do these kinds of exercises 3-4 times a week.
5. Try to buy a pedometer. It is a small device that records how many kilometers you have walked per day. If for example this week you walked 1.5 km try next week to walk twice as much, and so on.
6. When you get home, tired from work, normally you just sit and watch TV. Try this for a change: take 5 minute breaks to work out. You can start by working your abs, then the next break work your arms, and so on. In time, you will see that you will feel much better.
7. Work a single muscle group 7-10 minutes a day. For example, on Monday you can work your abs, on Thursday you can work with small weights your biceps and triceps, Wednesday do pushups, Thursday work your buttocks, Friday work your legs: 7 to 10 minutes.
8. Something even easier: whenever you try to get to work or at home, or somewhere, always try to take a longer path to get there.
9. Double the stairs…it sounds weird but it’s easy. Instead of walking a stair at a time, climb two. It does wonders for your legs.
10. Try doing all this with a partner. Surely you will find someone that has the same interests in this like you do. It will be a great motivation for you and maybe even make you spare more time to exercise

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