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Friday, April 18, 2008

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

Just in case you did not figure this out so far, there is no such thing as a magic sure shot diet. Some foods are rich in fibers and take longer to eat while coming with fewer calories per one gram but they can also alter the levels of intestinal hormones you find, leading to a feeling of being less hungry. We could say that such foods are great in helping you lose weight and we recommend that you keep in mind the descriptions that will be highlighted below.

When it comes to foods that help you lose weight salads are very high on the list. You can make salads using cabbage, lettuce, capsicum, cucumbers, car roots, tomatoes and so on. Every single one is low in calories and can help your diet. These vegetables can be taken in through sandwiches as well or however you may want it. Next you can replace that hamburger with grapes. They are high in sugar but if you do not overdo it you will notice that they can be a great snack without adding fat to the mix. To make it even better, 100 grams of grapes only have around 70 calories. Since we are talking about fruits how about oranges? They are very good when talking about a healthy diet and even one that is aimed on loosing weight.

Let us get back to vegetables but this time we need to mention potatoes. Potatoes can be great at losing weight as they are not the problem in putting on weight. The way they are cooked can transform potatoes in food that is too high in fat. If you boil or bake potatoes without adding extra ingredients that are high on fat you will find it that potatoes are great for your diet. You can also go for sweet potatoes. They do have more calories but they are still good if you do not add fat as already mentioned before.

Now let us think about high fiber cereals. They are able to fill you up without adding too many calories in the process. Then consider adding sprouted pulses to the mix and curds. Do not avoid water in any circumstance as it is very important. A lot of people tend to mistake thirst for hunger and this means an extra snack that you did not need. Also, think about the fact that you will need to eat some sweets once in a while. You are allowed to do this and still lose weight if you are not overdoing it.

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